Pass cert password to Nginx with https site during restart

Nginx has ssl_password_file parameter.

Specifies a file with passphrases for secret keys where each passphrase is specified on a separate line. Passphrases are tried in turn when loading the key.


http {
    ssl_password_file /etc/keys/global.pass;
    server {
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/keys/first.key;
    server {
        # named pipe can also be used instead of a file
        ssl_password_file /etc/keys/fifo;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/keys/second.key;

What you could do is keep that ssl_password_file in ansible-vault, copy it over, restart nginx and then if successful delete it.

I have no first-hand experience if it’ll actually work or what other side-effects this might have(for example manual service nginx restart will probably fail), but it seems like a logical approach to me.

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