Mypy does not respect setting in mypy.ini to exclude folder from checking when called from VS Code

The issue is that VS Code is invoking mypy file by file. And mypy doesn’t use the exclude option when invoked on a single file. The workaround is using python.linting.ignorePatterns in the settings.json.

 "python.linting.ignorePatterns": [ "venv/**/*.py" ]

More info about the behaviour of exclude:

Note that this flag only affects recursive discovery, that is, when mypy is discovering files within a directory tree or submodules of a package to check. If you pass a file or module explicitly, it will still be checked. For instance, mypy –exclude ‘/$’ but_still_check/

I would still exclude this in the config file, for completeness’ sake, in case you run mypy by hand.

exclude = venv

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