Let’s encrypt error certificate install error – “Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support any combination of challenges” [closed]

It is because Let’s Encrypt has currently disabled the TLS-SNI-01 challenge due to an identified security issue.

The official has provided an workaroud at the Let’s Encrypt community website as following:

If you’re serving files for that domain out of a directory on that server, you can run the following command:

sudo certbot --authenticator webroot --webroot-path <path to served directory> --installer nginx -d <domain>

If you’re not serving files out of a directory on the server, you can temporarily stop your server while you obtain the certificate and restart it after Certbot has obtained the certificate. This would look like:

sudo certbot --authenticator standalone --installer nginx -d <domain> --pre-hook "service nginx stop" --post-hook "service nginx start"

2018-01-19 update

Let’s Encrypt just released Certbot 0.21.0, which use HTTP-01 challenge type instead of the compromised TLS-SNI-01 by default for apache httpd and nginx. Update your certbot to get rid of this issue.

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