How to load multiple CSS files with callback as requested
Note: ithout xdomain permissions, $.get will only load local files
Note that the text “all css loaded” appears after loading but before the CSS is applied. Perhaps another workaround is required to overcome that.
getManyCss: function(urls, callback, nocache){
if (typeof nocache=='undefined') nocache=false; // default don't refresh
$.map(urls, function(url){
if (nocache) url += '?_ts=" + new Date().getTime(); // refresh?
return $.get(url, function(){
$("<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');
if (typeof callback=='function') callback();
var cssfiles=['', ''];
$.getManyCss(cssfiles, function(){
// do something, e.g.
console.log('all css loaded');
to force refresh the css files add true
$.getManyCss(cssfiles, function(){
// do something, e.g.
console.log('all css loaded');
}, true);