Is it possible to “toggle software keyboard” via the code in UI test?

Tested in Xcode 10.3 & Xcode 11. The snippet below needs to be located in the app target (not the test bundle) — for instance, in AppDelegate.swift. It will disable any hardware keyboards from automatically connecting by setting any UIKeyboardInputMode‘s automaticHardwareLayout properties to nil.

🔥 Does not depend on the settings of the Simulator.

#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
// Disable hardware keyboards.
let setHardwareLayout = NSSelectorFromString("setHardwareLayout:")
    // Filter `UIKeyboardInputMode`s.
    .filter({ $0.responds(to: setHardwareLayout) })
    .forEach { $0.perform(setHardwareLayout, with: nil) }

Or Objective-C:

SEL setHardwareLayout = NSSelectorFromString(@"setHardwareLayout:");
for (UITextInputMode *inputMode in [UITextInputMode activeInputModes]) {
    if ([inputMode respondsToSelector:setHardwareLayout]) {
        // Note: `performSelector:withObject:` will complain, so we have to use some dark magic.
        ((void (*)(id, SEL, id))[inputMode methodForSelector:setHardwareLayout])(inputMode, setHardwareLayout, NULL);

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