In what ways is an SSH Key different from tokens for git authentication?

From the blog post you linked, I can see at least one benefit of tokens over SSH keys: while tokens and SSH keys both share the Unique, Revocable, and Random benefits quoted in the blog post below, tokens are also Limited in comparison to SSH keys in that they come with their own scoped permissions baked in:

GitHub Personal Access Token scopes screenshot

While SSH keys can be read-only or read-write enabled, or scoped to specific repositories, personal access tokens do have an edge in terms of their finer-grained permissions model in comparison. This is likely why GitHub recommends tokens over SSH keys.

Tokens offer a number of security benefits over password-based

  • Unique – tokens are specific to GitHub and can be generated per use or
    per device
  • Revocable – tokens can can be individually revoked at any
    time without needing to update unaffected credentials
  • Limited – tokens
    can be narrowly scoped to allow only the access necessary for the use
  • Random – tokens are not subject to the types of dictionary or
    brute force attempts that simpler passwords that you need to remember
    or enter regularly might be

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