In Castle Windsor 3, override an existing component registration in a unit test

There are two things that you have to do to create an overriding instance:

  1. Assign it a unique name
  2. Call the IsDefault method

So to get the example to work:


Because I plan to use this overriding patten in many tests, I’ve created my own extension method:

public static class TestWindsorExtensions
    public static ComponentRegistration<T> OverridesExistingRegistration<T>(
       this ComponentRegistration<T> componentRegistration
    ) where T : class
        return componentRegistration

Now the example can be simplified to:


Later Edit

Version 3.1 introduces the IsFallback method. If I register all my initial components with IsFallback, then any new registrations will automatically override these initial registrations. I would have gone down that path if the functionality was available at the time.

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