OIC, this is a source-code-churn issue
At first glance the two forms are equivalent. The second one does look nicer but they do the same thing.
But then I read the cited page.
The problem is that the new guy churned the source tree, lots of it. It’s bad form to troll through a giant source tree and make a meaningless change. Sure, perhaps one style is slightly better than another, but in practice, it should be a whole lot better before putting 1,000 deltas into a source code control system for people to wade through for eternity is justified.
I suspect that this was a source release, or some other unmentioned complexity caused the editing of that many files to expand their distribution. The contributions to that site are edited quite a bit, but basically the issue is understandable without specifics.
One of the problems with editing a zillion files for a style change is that the chance of an inadvertent error increases. This chance is greatly multiplied when a junior developer does it. Even for the experienced, there is Murphy’s law to consider. If it happens right before a release it really is a hanging offense.