how to resolve “Unable to find package” nuget error

The package source was offline !!

I installed VS2017 professional on my system and opened an existing project and found that multiple packages were missing. I tried everything I could, without looking at Package Source !!

Manage Nuget Packages for Solution

I am writing this answer as I tried the below solutions but none of them worked :

  1. Clearing the cache
  2. Restoring or re-installing the packages
  3. Changing the targetFramework
  4. Updating the Nuget Package manager


Step 01. Go to Package Manager Settings (Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Settings)
Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Settings

Step 02. Check the Package Source(s). As you can see, the package source is here already downloaded SDK/nugets/packages. I don’t know the reason but the online package source from was missing from my system installation of Visual Studio.

enter image description here

Step 03. Install the as package source and then ‘Clear All Nuget Cache(s)’ and then restore the packages. The error will go away.

Name: ( or as you wish)

enter image description here

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