How to make Windows key the IntelliJ IDEA Command/Meta key under Windows?

Here’s a workaround that works partly. In IDEA do the following:

  1. Help -> Edit Custom Properties…
    • In the file that opens, add this on a new line:
  2. Choose your Mac keymap under File -> Settings… -> Keymap. For example, “Mac OS X 10.5+”.

If you use a Windows keyboard and you want the same layout as with your Mac keyboard you can remap

  • the left Windows key to become the left Alt key and
  • the left Alt to become the left Windows key, that would then be interpreted as the Mac’s Command (Cmd/Meta) key.

To do so, you could install AutoHotkey and run it with the following script, by putting these two lines in a .ahk file:


To read more about the problem(s) with both the Windows key and this workaround see the comments of IDEA-144702.

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