How to launch my app via NFC tag?

Windows 10 Mobile UWP

If you are only targeting Windows 10 Mobile, the 8.1 way still works, given that you get the right App ID. It can be retrieved through:


However, that only works when the app is installed through the store, as the ID is assigned during store association / publishing. In developer deployed builds, the API will crash through with “Exception from HRESULT: 0x803F6107”.

The resulting LaunchApp record then needs the platform “WindowsPhone” and that app ID. The following code creates a LaunchApp tag through the open source NFC / NDEF library ( and works on Windows 10 Mobile – both for writing the tag and for launching the app. Again – given it has been published & installed through the store:

var record = new NdefLaunchAppRecord { Arguments = "Hello World" };
var appId = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.AppId;    // Note: crashes when app is not installed through app store!
record.AddPlatformAppId("WindowsPhone", appId);
var message = new NdefMessage { record };
proximityDevice.PublishBinaryMessage("NDEF:WriteTag", msgArray.AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler);

Windows 10 PC

Unfortunately, things are different for PCs. The method above does not work there, neither does the documented method for Windows 8.1.

The closest I could get so far is to get Windows 10 to recognize the LaunchApp tag and to open the store on the correct page. But Windows / the store does not realize that the app is already installed and therefore does not open it.

This is the code, again using the NFC / NDEF library:

var record = new NdefLaunchAppRecord { Arguments = "Hello World" };
var familyName = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.Id.FamilyName;
var appId = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.AppId;    // Note: crashes when app is not installed through app store!
record.AddPlatformAppId("Windows", "{" + familyName + "!" + appId + "}");
var message = new NdefMessage { record };
proximityDevice.PublishBinaryMessage("NDEF:WriteTag", msgArray.AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler);

Of course, you can also combine the two platform IDs to a single NFC tag, given that you have enough writable memory, as those app IDs are huge.

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