How to extract an element from an array in PySpark

Create sample data:

from pyspark.sql import Row
x = [Row(col1="xx", col2="yy", col3="zz", col4=[123,234])]
rdd = sc.parallelize([Row(col1="xx", col2="yy", col3="zz", col4=[123,234])])
df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd)
#|col1|col2|col3|      col4|
#|  xx|  yy|  zz|[123, 234]|

Use getItem to extract element from the array column as this, in your actual case replace col4 with collect_set(TIMESTAMP):

df = df.withColumn("col5", df["col4"].getItem(1)).withColumn("col4", df["col4"].getItem(0))
#|  xx|  yy|  zz| 123| 234|

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