How to create a numpy array from a pydub AudioSegment?

Pydub has a facility for getting the audio data as an array of samples, it is an array.array instance (not a numpy array) but you should be able to convert it to a numpy array relatively easily:

from pydub import AudioSegment
sound = AudioSegment.from_file("sound1.wav")

# this is an array
samples = sound.get_array_of_samples()

You may be able to create a numpy variant of the implementation though. That method is implemented pretty simply:

def get_array_of_samples(self):
    returns the raw_data as an array of samples
    return array.array(self.array_type, self._data)

Creating a new audio segment from a (modified?) array of samples is also possible:

new_sound = sound._spawn(samples)

The above is a little hacky, it was written for internal use within the AudioSegment class, but it mainly just figures out what type of audio data you’re using (array of samples, list of samples, bytes, bytestring, etc). It’s safe to use despite the underscore prefix.

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