How is nth_element Implemented?

Disclaimer: I don’t know how std::nth_element is implemented in any standard library.

If you know how Quicksort works, you can easily modify it to do what is needed for this algorithm. The basic idea of Quicksort is that in each step, you partition the array into two parts such that all elements less than the pivot are in the left sub-array and all elements equal to or greater than the pivot are in the right sub-array. (A modification of Quicksort known as ternary Quicksort creates a third sub-array with all elements equal to the pivot. Then the right sub-array contains only entries strictly greater than the pivot.) Quicksort then proceeds by recursively sorting the left and right sub-arrays.

If you only want to move the n-th element into place, instead of recursing into both sub-arrays, you can tell in every step whether you will need to descend into the left or right sub-array. (You know this because the n-th element in a sorted array has index n so it becomes a matter of comparing indices.) So – unless your Quicksort suffers worst-case degeneration – you roughly halve the size of the remaining array in each step. (You never look at the other sub-array again.) Therefore, on average, you are dealing with arrays of the following lengths in each step:

  1. Θ(N)
  2. Θ(N / 2)
  3. Θ(N / 4)

Each step is linear in the length of the array it is dealing with. (You loop over it once and decide into what sub-array each element should go depending on how it compares to the pivot.)

You can see that after Θ(log(N)) steps, we will eventually reach a singleton array and are done. If you sum up N (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + …), you’ll get 2 N. Or, in the average case, since we cannot hope that the pivot will always exactly be the median, something on the order of Θ(N).

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