How can I get dtrace to run the traced command with non-root priviledges?

The easiest way is to use sudo:

sudo dtruss -f sudo -u $USER whoami

Other solution would be to run the debugger first and monitor for new specific processes.

sudo dtruss -fn whoami

Then in another Terminal simply run:


Simple as that.

More tricky arguments you can find in the manual: man dtruss

Alternatively you can attach dtruss to the running user process e.g. on Mac:

sudo dtruss -fp PID

or similar on Linux/Unix by using strace:

sudo strace -fp PID

Another hacky trick could be to execute the command and right after that attach to the process. Here are some examples:

sudo true; (./Pages &); sudo dtruss -fp `pgrep -n -x Pages`
sudo true; (sleep 1 &); sudo dtruss -fp `pgrep -n -x sleep`
sudo true; (tail -f /var/log/system.log &); sudo dtruss -fp `pgrep -n -x tail`


  • first sudo is just for caching the password at the first time of running,

  • this trick doesn’t work for quick command lines like ls, date as it takes some time untill debugger will attach to the process,

  • you have to type your command in two places,

  • you can ignore & to run the process to the background, if it’s already doing that,

  • after finishing debugging, you’ll have to manually kill the background process (e.g. killall -v tail)

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