Heroku postgres postgis – django releases fail with: relation “spatial_ref_sys” does not exist

Here is the workaround that I’ve come up with for our review apps that use a database backup, through pg:backups:restore ( might want to enable meaintenance if you’re manipulating a production database):

  1. Copy your review app database locally (one that was recently restored through pg:backups:restore so you get all the data): heroku pg:pull [Database URL] localdb -a [app-name]

  2. Set your application database config to use localdb then connect to psql and execute : ALTER EXTENSION "hstore" SET SCHEMA heroku_ext; . Run this command for all your existent extensions.

To list all the available extensions that you’ve pulled run \dx. You don’t have to change plpgsql it’s native to PostgreSQL

This will work because locally you have all privileges.

  1. push this version back to your review app: heroku pg:push mylocaldb [Database URL] -a [app-name] ==> Your database needs to be empty to perform this. You can try this operation on a fresh review app with empty data. this way it can become your new base for all review apps

  2. Make sure everything works as expected (data properly restored). Then what you can do is generate a new database dump through pg:backups:capture, and use that as your new go-to database backup for all your new review apps.

Source: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/managing-heroku-postgres-using-cli

I also had to do this because for example DROPPING the hstore extension and reenabling it was not a viable option for our case.

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