Fill the holes in OpenCV [duplicate]

According to the documentation of imfill in MATLAB:

BW2 = imfill(BW,'holes');

fills holes in the binary image BW.
A hole is a set of background pixels that cannot be reached by filling in the background from the edge of the image.

Therefore to get the “holes” pixels, make a call to cvFloodFill with the left corner pixel of the image as a seed. You get the holes by complementing the image obtained in the previous step.

MATLAB Example:

BW = im2bw( imread('coins.png') );
subplot(121), imshow(BW)

% used here as if it was cvFloodFill
holes = imfill(BW, [1 1]);    % [1 1] is the starting location point

BW(~holes) = 1;               % fill holes
subplot(122), imshow(BW)


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