Factory Pattern without a Switch or If/Then

How about this (no Dictionary required and note that you will get an syntax error if your try to Create<Position>()):

EDIT – Updated to use an IPosition interface implemented explicitly. Only instances of IPosition can access the member functions (e.g. <implementation of Manager>.Title will not compile).

EDIT #2 Factory.Create should return an IPosition not T when using the interface properly.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    interface IPosition
        string Title { get; }
        bool RequestVacation();

    class Manager : IPosition
         string IPosition.Title
            get { return "Manager"; }

        bool IPosition.RequestVacation()
            return true;

    class Clerk : IPosition
        int m_VacationDaysRemaining = 1;

        string IPosition.Title
            get { return "Clerk"; }

        bool IPosition.RequestVacation()
            if (m_VacationDaysRemaining <= 0)
                return false;
                return true;

    class Programmer : IPosition
        string IPosition.Title
            get { return "Programmer"; }

        bool IPosition.RequestVacation()
            return false;

    static class Factory
        public static IPosition Create<T>() where T : IPosition, new ()
            return new T();

    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<IPosition> positions = new List<IPosition>(3);

        foreach (IPosition p in positions) { Console.WriteLine(p.Title);  }

        Random rnd = new Random(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            int index = rnd.Next(3);
            Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Request Granted: {1}", positions[index].Title, positions[index].RequestVacation());


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