This works
public class MyButton : UIButton
public MyButton() : base(UIButtonType.RoundedRect) { }
public override RectangleF Frame {
get {
return base.Frame;
set {
var temp = TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints;
TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
var constraints = new [] {
NSLayoutConstraint.Create(this, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1.0f, value.Width),
NSLayoutConstraint.Create(this, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1.0f, value.Height)
base.Frame = value;
TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = temp;
This is only a workaround, it appears to be a bug. The SizeToFit() fixes the issue, the other code maintains the frame.