Evaluating variables in a string in bash

Let’s take things step by step:

When you do this:

mycmd='cat $myfile'

You prevent the shell from interpolating $myfile. Thus:

$ echo $mycmd
cat $myfile

If you want to allow the interpolation, you can use double quotes:

$ mycmd="echo $myfile"  #Double quotes!
$ echo "$mycmd"
cat afile.txt

This, of course, freezes the interpretation of $mycmd when you do an eval.

$ myfile="afile.txt"
$ mycmd="echo $myfile"
$ echo $mycmd
cat afile.txt
$ eval $mycmd   #Prints out afile.txt
$ myfile=bfile.txt
$ eval $mycmd   #Still prints out afile.txt and not bfile.txt

Compare this to:

$ myfile="afile.txt"
$ mycmd='cat $myfile'   #Single quotes hide $myfile from the shell
echo $mycmd
cat $myfile             #Shell didn't change "$myfile", so it prints as a literal
$ eval $mycmd           #Prints out afile.txt
$ myfile=bfile.txt
$ eval $mycmd           #Now prints out bfile.txt

What you probably want to do is to evaluate the $mycmd in an echo statement when you echo it:

$ echo $(eval "echo $mycmd")
$ cat afile.txt
$ myfile=bfile.txt
$ echo $(eval "echo $mycmd")
cat bfile.txt

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