Error npm is known not to run on Node.js v10.24.1 and how to fix it, don’t update to the latest version?

The problem for me was upgrading my global version of npm while on an incompatible version of Node (8.16.1).

I tried to uninstall npm globally but that also didn’t work because I could not use the npm command.

To fix it, I used nvm to switch to a compatible version of Node (nvm use 14.0.0 – this can be any version of Node compatible with the npm version you have installed globally). This allowed me to run npm commands so I ran npm uninstall -g npm first of all to remove my global version of npm and then nvm uninstall 8.16.1 to remove my faulty Node version.

May need to deactivate first: nvm deactivate

I was then able to reinstall Node 8.16.1 (nvm install 8.16.1), and with it came a fresh install of a compatible npm version.

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