Download Xcode simulator directly

Clicking on Download in Xcode didn’t do anything – the progress bar did not progress (does that make it a regress bar?).

This is what worked for me:

  1. Open Xcode, open preferences, go to the Components section.

  2. Open the Console App, clear the console.

  3. Go back to the Xcode preferences. Start the simulator download, then cancel it.

  4. Now in the Console, you will see something about the cancellation with the download URL.

  5. Copy the URL from the Console. Then in Terminal in some suitable scratch folder, download it:

    curl [the url you copied] -O (the letter O, not a zero)

  6. Finally, copy this file to ~/Library/Caches/
    Remove all *.dvtdownloadableindex files (maybe it doesn’t matter, but I removed them).

  7. In Xcode, in the Downloads section, start the Simulator download again, it should find the file you downloaded and install it.

How easy was that! Only 7 steps, hah!

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