Django test VS pytest

i’ve used Django test for my entire life and now i am using Py.test. I agree that pytest is much cleaner than django itself.

The benefit from pytest is fixture in another file. It makes my test case compact by let them be my input parameters.

In Django unittest you can still use fixtures in other file by using the attribute fixtures = ['appname/fixtures/my_fixture.json']

Pytest will show you the assertion output if the error occur. Django unittest does not. I have to put the breakpoint on my own and investigate the error.

Did you tried to change the --verbose param on python tests?

A few tips:

  1. There is a package called pytest-django that will help you integrate and using django with pytest.

  2. I think that if you use classes will you not need to use the factory = APIRequestFactory(), the test methods itself they have a parameter called client that is a interface to the python requests module to access your views.

    import pytest
    from model_mommy import mommy
    def user(db):
        return mommy.make(User)
    class SiteAPIViewTestSuite:
        def test_create_view(self, client, user):
            assert Site.objects.count() == 0
            post_data = {
                'name': 'Stackoverflow'
                'url': '',
            response =
            data = response.json()
            assert response.status_code == 201
            assert Site.objects.count() == 1
            assert data == {
                'count': 1,
                'next': None,
                'previous': None
                'results': [{
                    'pk': 1,
                    'name': 'Stackoverflow',
                    'url': '',

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