Difference between initLoader and restartLoader in LoaderManager

To answer this question you need to dig into the LoaderManager code.
While the documentation for LoaderManager itself isn’t clear enough (or there wouldn’t be this question), the documentation for LoaderManagerImpl, a subclass of the abstract LoaderManager, is much more enlightening.


Call to initialize a particular ID with a Loader. If this ID already
has a Loader associated with it, it is left unchanged and any previous
callbacks replaced with the newly provided ones. If there is not
currently a Loader for the ID, a new one is created and started.

This function should generally be used when a component is
initializing, to ensure that a Loader it relies on is created. This
allows it to re-use an existing Loader’s data if there already is one,
so that for example when an Activity is re-created after a
configuration change it does not need to re-create its loaders.


Call to re-create the Loader associated with a particular ID. If
there is currently a Loader associated with this ID, it will be
canceled/stopped/destroyed as appropriate. A new Loader with the
given arguments will be created and its data delivered to you once

[…] After calling this function, any previous Loaders associated with this ID
will be considered invalid, and you will receive no further data
updates from them.

There are basically two cases:

  1. The loader with the id doesn’t exist: both methods will create a new loader so there’s no difference there
  2. The loader with the id already exists: initLoader will only replace the callbacks passed as a parameter but won’t cancel or stop the loader. For a CursorLoader that means the cursor stays open and active (if that was the case before the initLoader call). `restartLoader, on the other hand, will cancel, stop and destroy the loader (and close the underlying data source like a cursor) and create a new loader (which would also create a new cursor and re-run the query if the loader is a CursorLoader).

Here’s the simplified code for both methods:


LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id);
if (info == null) {
    // Loader doesn't already exist -> create new one
    info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback);
} else {
   // Loader exists -> only replace callbacks   
   info.mCallbacks = (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback;


LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id);
if (info != null) {
    LoaderInfo inactive = mInactiveLoaders.get(id);
    if (inactive != null) {
        // does a lot of stuff to deal with already inactive loaders
    } else {
        // Keep track of the previous instance of this loader so we can destroy
        // it when the new one completes.
        mInactiveLoaders.put(id, info);
info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args,  (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Object>)callback);

As we can see in case the loader doesn’t exist (info == null) both methods will create a new loader (info = createAndInstallLoader(…)).
In case the loader already exists initLoader only replaces the callbacks (info.mCallbacks = …) while restartLoader inactivates the old loader (it will be destroyed when the new loader completes its work) and then creates a new one.

Thus said it’s now clear when to use initLoader and when to use restartLoader and why it makes sense to have the two methods.
initLoader is used to ensure there’s an initialized loader. If none exists a new one is created, if one already exists it’s re-used. We always use this method UNLESS we need a new loader because the query to run has changed (not the underlying data but the actual query like in SQL statement for a CursorLoader), in which case we will call restartLoader.

The Activity/Fragment life cycle has nothing to do with the decision to use one or the other method (and there’s no need to keep track of the calls using a one-shot flag as Simon suggested)! This decision is made solely based on the “need” for a new loader. If we want to run the same query we use initLoader, if we want to run a different query we use restartLoader.

We could always use restartLoader but that would be inefficient. After a screen rotation or if the user navigates away from the app and returns later to the same Activity we usually want to show the same query result and so the restartLoader would unnecessarily re-create the loader and dismiss the underlying (potentially expensive) query result.

It’s very important to understand the difference between the data that is loaded and the “query” to load that data. Let’s assume we use a CursorLoader querying a table for orders. If a new order is added to that table the CursorLoader uses onContentChanged() to inform the UI to update and show the new order (no need to use restartLoader in this case). If we want to display only open orders we need a new query and we would use restartLoaderto return a new CursorLoader reflecting the new query.

Is there some relation between the two methods?

They share the code to create a new Loader but they do different things when a loader already exists.

Does calling restartLoader always call initLoader?

No, it never does.

Can I call restartLoader without having to call initLoader?


Is it safe to call initLoader twice to refresh the data?

It’s safe to call initLoader twice but no data will be refreshed.

When should I use one of the two and why?

That should (hopefully) be clear after my explanations above.

Configuration changes

A LoaderManager retains its state across configuration changes (including orientation changes) so you would think there’s nothing left for us to do. Think again…

First of all, a LoaderManager doesn’t retain the callbacks, so if you do nothing you won’t receive calls to your callback methods like onLoadFinished() and the like and that will very likely break your app.

Therefore we HAVE to call at least initLoader to restore the callback methods (a restartLoader is, of course, possible too). The documentation states:

If at the point of call the caller is in its started state, and the
requested loader already exists and has generated its data, then
callback onLoadFinished(Loader, D) will be called immediately (inside
of this function) […].

That means if we call initLoader after an orientation change, we will get an onLoadFinished call right away because the data is already loaded (assuming that was the case before the change).
While that sounds straight forward it can be tricky (don’t we all love Android…).

We have to distinguish between two cases:

  1. Handles configuration changes itself: this is the case for Fragments
    that use setRetainInstance(true) or for an Activity with the according android:configChanges tag in the manifest. These
    components won’t receive an onCreate call after e.g. a
    screen rotation, so keep in mind to call
    initLoader/restartLoader in another callback method (e.g. in
    onActivityCreated(Bundle)). To be able to initialize the Loader(s),
    the loader ids need to be stored (e.g. in a List). Because
    the component is retained across configuration changes we can
    just loop over the existing loader ids and call initLoader(loaderid,
  2. Doesn’t handle configuration changes itself: In this case the
    Loaders can be initialized in onCreate but we need to manually
    retain the loader ids or we won’t be able to make the needed
    initLoader/restartLoader calls. If the ids are stored in an
    ArrayList, we would do an
    outState.putIntegerArrayList(loaderIdsKey, loaderIdsArray) in
    onSaveInstanceState and restore the ids in onCreate:
    loaderIdsArray =
    before we make
    the initLoader call(s).

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