Detect differences between two strings

You are looking for (minimum) edit distance / (minimum) edit sequence. You can find the theory of the process here:

Let’s implement (simplest) Levenstein Distance / Sequence algorithm (for details see Let’s start from helper classes (I’ve changed a bit your implementation of them):

  public enum EditOperationKind : byte {
    None,    // Nothing to do
    Add,     // Add new character
    Edit,    // Edit character into character (including char into itself)
    Remove,  // Delete existing character

  public struct EditOperation {
    public EditOperation(char valueFrom, char valueTo, EditOperationKind operation) {
      ValueFrom = valueFrom;
      ValueTo = valueTo;

      Operation = valueFrom == valueTo ? EditOperationKind.None : operation;

    public char ValueFrom { get; }
    public char ValueTo {get ;}
    public EditOperationKind Operation { get; }

    public override string ToString() {
      switch (Operation) {
        case EditOperationKind.None:
          return $"'{ValueTo}' Equal";
        case EditOperationKind.Add:
          return $"'{ValueTo}' Add";
        case EditOperationKind.Remove:
          return $"'{ValueFrom}' Remove";
        case EditOperationKind.Edit:
          return $"'{ValueFrom}' to '{ValueTo}' Edit";
          return "???";

As far as I can see from the examples provided we don’t have any edit operation, but add + remove; that’s why I’ve put editCost = 2 when insertCost = 1, int removeCost = 1 (in case of tie: insert + remove vs. edit we put insert + remove).
Now we are ready to implement Levenstein algorithm:

public static EditOperation[] EditSequence(
  string source, string target, 
  int insertCost = 1, int removeCost = 1, int editCost = 2) {

  if (null == source)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
  else if (null == target)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

  // Forward: building score matrix

  // Best operation (among insert, update, delete) to perform 
  EditOperationKind[][] M = Enumerable
    .Range(0, source.Length + 1)
    .Select(line => new EditOperationKind[target.Length + 1])

  // Minimum cost so far
  int[][] D = Enumerable
    .Range(0, source.Length + 1)
    .Select(line => new int[target.Length + 1])

  // Edge: all removes
  for (int i = 1; i <= source.Length; ++i) {
    M[i][0] = EditOperationKind.Remove;
    D[i][0] = removeCost * i;

  // Edge: all inserts 
  for (int i = 1; i <= target.Length; ++i) {
    M[0][i] = EditOperationKind.Add;
    D[0][i] = insertCost * i;

  // Having fit N - 1, K - 1 characters let's fit N, K
  for (int i = 1; i <= source.Length; ++i)
    for (int j = 1; j <= target.Length; ++j) {
      // here we choose the operation with the least cost
      int insert = D[i][j - 1] + insertCost;
      int delete = D[i - 1][j] + removeCost;
      int edit = D[i - 1][j - 1] + (source[i - 1] == target[j - 1] ? 0 : editCost);

      int min = Math.Min(Math.Min(insert, delete), edit);

      if (min == insert) 
        M[i][j] = EditOperationKind.Add;
      else if (min == delete)
        M[i][j] = EditOperationKind.Remove;
      else if (min == edit)
        M[i][j] = EditOperationKind.Edit;

      D[i][j] = min;

  // Backward: knowing scores (D) and actions (M) let's building edit sequence
  List<EditOperation> result = 
    new List<EditOperation>(source.Length + target.Length);

  for (int x = target.Length, y = source.Length; (x > 0) || (y > 0);) {
    EditOperationKind op = M[y][x];

    if (op == EditOperationKind.Add) {
      x -= 1;
      result.Add(new EditOperation('\0', target[x], op));
    else if (op == EditOperationKind.Remove) {
      y -= 1;
      result.Add(new EditOperation(source[y], '\0', op));
    else if (op == EditOperationKind.Edit) {
      x -= 1;
      y -= 1;
      result.Add(new EditOperation(source[y], target[x], op));
    else // Start of the matching (EditOperationKind.None)


  return result.ToArray();


var sequence = EditSequence("asdfghjk", "wsedrftr"); 

Console.Write(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, sequence));


'a' Remove
'w' Add
's' Equal
'e' Add
'd' Equal
'r' Add
'f' Equal
'g' Remove
'h' Remove
'j' Remove
'k' Remove
't' Add
'r' Add

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