Create a PDF document for printing in Qt from a template

There are several ways to create a PDF document in Qt. You already mentioned two of them. I propose some improvement for the QTextDocument approach. Rather than manually writing a QTextDocument, you can create it from HTML-formatted text.

QString html =
"<div align=right>"
   "City, 11/11/2015"
"<div align=left>"
   "Sender Name<br>"
   "street 34/56A<br>"
   "121-43 city"
"<h1 align=center>DOCUMENT TITLE</h1>"
"<p align=justify>"
   "document content document content document content document content document content document content document content document content document content document content "
   "document content document content document content document content document content document content document content document content document content document content "
"<div align=right>sincerly</div>";

QTextDocument document;

QPrinter printer(QPrinter::PrinterResolution);
printer.setPageMargins(QMarginsF(15, 15, 15, 15));


Warning: QTextDocument supports a limited subset of HTML 4 markup.

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