Check if a directory contains a file with a given extension

You can use the else block of the for:

for fname in os.listdir('.'):
    if fname.endswith('.true'):
        # do stuff on the file
    # do stuff if a file .true doesn't exist.

The else attached to a for will be run whenever the break inside the loop is not executed. If you think a for loop as a way to search something, then break tells whether you have found that something. The else is run when you didn’t found what you were searching for.


if not any(fname.endswith('.true') for fname in os.listdir('.')):
    # do stuff if a file .true doesn't exist

Moreover you could use the glob module instead of listdir:

import glob
# stuff
if not glob.glob('*.true')`:
    # do stuff if no file ending in .true exists

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