zsh history is too short [closed]

NVaughan (the OP) has already stated the answer in an update to the question: history behaves differently in bash than it does in zsh: In short: zsh: history lists only the 15 most recent history entries history 1 lists all – see below. bash: history lists all history entries. Sadly, passing a numerical operand to … Read more

How can you export your .bashrc to .zshrc?

While lhunath’s answer pushed me in the right direction, zsh does not seem to source .profile automatically. Lot’s of good info on this topic can be found on this superuser post. The adaption I’m using is putting common aliases and functions in .profile and manually sourcing them as follows: In ~/.bashrc: source ~/.profile In ~/.zshrc: … Read more

What does [nyae] mean in Zsh?

zsh has a powerful correction mechanism. If you type a command in the wrong way it suggests corrections. What happend here is that dir is an unknown command and zsh suggests gdir, while maybe ls was what you wanted. If you want to execute gdir hit y (yes) If you want to try to execute … Read more

zsh compinit: insecure directories [closed]

Note: This answer is from 2012. This fixed it for me: $ sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Credit: a post on zsh mailing list EDIT: As pointed out by @biocyberman in the comments. You may need to update the owner of site-functions as well: $ sudo chown -R root:root /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions On my machine (OSX 10.9), … Read more