In zsh how do you bind Ctrl+backspace to delete the previous word?

One may use bindkey ‘^H’ backward-kill-word. Note that, on old versions of GNOME terminal, it won’t work; see How do I get Ctrl-Backspace to delete a word in vim within gnome-terminal? and Bug 420039 – VTE doesn’t distinguish between backspace and control-backspace. As reported by thorbjornwolf in his comment, commit 23c7cd0f fixed it.

How to disable zsh substitution/autocomplete with URL and backslashes

update 2019-05-12: new version(> 486fa10) oh-my-zsh have a configuration for this, add DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS=true before source $ZSH/ DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS=true source $ZSH/ via: Original answer: This is a bug in zsh 5.1.1 ~ 5.2(current). The plugin bracketed-paste-magic did not works in the zsh versions. The issue is here: I suggest you disable bracketed-paste-magic. Comment … Read more

How do zsh ansi colour codes work?

Running the following code in your terminal should tell you whether your terminal supports 256 colors. for COLOR in {0..255} do for STYLE in “38;5″ do TAG=”\033[${STYLE};${COLOR}m” STR=”${STYLE};${COLOR}” echo -ne “${TAG}${STR}${NONE}  ” done echo done it also shows you the code for each color in the form 38;5;x where x is the code for one … Read more

How do I check if a variable is set in zsh?

The typical way to do this in Zsh is: if (( ${+SOME_VARIABLE} )); then For example: if (( ${+commands[brew]} )); then brew install mypackage else print “Please install Homebrew first.” fi In Zsh 5.3 and later, you can use the -v operator in a conditional expression: if [[ -v SOME_VARIABLE ]]; then The POSIX-compliant test … Read more

Font issues while integrating ZSH on Visual Studio Code

Following this little guide solved the issue making-powerline-work-in-visual-studio-code-terminal. IMPORTANT: if you already have a powerline font installed (e.g. it looks fine inside your system terminal), skip step 1. Install a patched version of your desired font directly from Apparently doing the “quick installation” (e.g. sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline) does not work in this case. … Read more