How to get HQ youtube thumbnails?

Are you referring to the full resolution one?:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/maxresdefault.jpg I don’t believe you can get ‘multiple’ images of HQ because the one you have is the one. Check the following answer out for more information on the URLs: How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API? For live videos use<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/maxresdefault_live.jpg … Read more

How do I get video durations with YouTube API version 3?

You will have to make a call to the YouTube data API’s video resource after you make the search call. You can put up to 50 video IDs in a search, so you won’t have to call it for each element. You’ll want to set part=contentDetails, because the duration is there. For example, the … Read more
