VS2015 nuget package manager not finding packages

This is a known issue with nuget version 3.4, which is included with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2: The NuGet.config file in your %AppData%\NuGet\ folder has accidentally been emptied. To fix this: Close Visual Studio 2015, delete the NuGet.config file in the %AppData%\NuGet\ folder and restart Visual Studio. A new NuGet.Config file will be generated … Read more

Specflow custom tool error when adding “Examples:”

Examples can only be used with Scenario Outlines. Scenario Outlines are ways to run a scenario with different data sets. If you change Scenario to Scenario Outline your example will work: Feature: Homepage As a webiste user I want to see a pretty homepage Scenario Outline: Homepage Display Given I am on an ecommerce <website> … Read more

ResourceManagerPackage – package did not load correctly

Renaming or deleting the VS profile folder in the AppData profile directory fixed the issue for me. You might prefer renaming in case you have a lot of extensions installed if this solution does not resolve the issue and would like to revert by renaming the folder back. [drive]:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0

The specified account already exists – .NET Core RC2 tooling Preview 1

This is a bug in the .NET Core Tools for VS2015 installer. I got this error when I tried to uninstall all VS2015 related tools on Windows 10 (not reinstallation, because I want VS2017 instead). I uninstalled VS2015 before removing .NET Core Tools. While trying to remove .NET Core Tools, it tried to call WebToolsExtensionsVS14 … Read more

How to disable peek on go to definition

Check the Visual Studio options: Disable “Control click shows definitions in Peek” option in: Options→Productivity Power Tools→Other Extentions. Disable “Allow new files to be opened in preview tab” in: Options→Environment→Tabs and Windows. Ensure you have F12 key assigned to Edit.GoToDefinition per Global scope in: Options→Environment→Keyboard. UPDATE: It works for Visual Studio 2017 as well.