Visual Studio 2013 Scaffolding Error

If you have recently installed a package with T4Scaffolding dependency (ex. MVCMailer uses T4Scaffolding.Core), then you can uninstall T4Scaffolding.Core and restart VS 2013. Notice that MvcMailer which caused this in my case, won’t work in 2013. Best is to check your references or packages for suspects. From comments: Uninstalling it didn’t seem to work for … Read more

there is no entity data model in visual studio [duplicate]

Here’s an updated solution I found as I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2015: model for db is gone Visual studio 2015 Paraphrasing: Change your installation of Visual Studio 2015 and include the Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (via Control Panel > Program & Features > VS2015 > Change > Modify > … Read more

Visual Studio add pre-build event that always runs (C# project)

Here’s the solution. Define this property in your project file: <PropertyGroup> <DisableFastUpToDateCheck>true</DisableFastUpToDateCheck> </PropertyGroup> PreBuildStep will then execute every time, regardless of whether the project is or isn’t up to date. It seems that Visual Studio is bypassing normal up-to-date checks of MSBuild and using some sort of custom check that is faster, but has a … Read more

All project references have yellow triangles every time solution is loaded

I had similar issues and it usually comes down to the Target Framework (Project>Properties>Application). I was working on a solution using .NET 4.6 and for some reason the default framework for new projects have a different target (in my case it was 4.5.2). So make sure you check all your project at the very least … Read more