What is the difference between .NET Framework 4.6.1 Targeting Pack and .NET Framework 4.6.1 Runtime?

To use the framework with Visual Studio 2012 or later install the developer type version. The runtime type version is a lighter version, meant to run applications on servers. This runtime version doesn’t have the information/extensions that Visual Studio needs, so Visual Studio can’t use them. Check why at was-the-developer-pack-originally-called-sdk Update(2018-01-08) Currently, the download page … Read more

What is the right xdt:Locator parameter to transform this node?

Ok. I feel a little silly but the solution is that I didn’t need to specify a xdt:Locator. If I just leave the App.Release.Config like this it will replace matching entry. <parameter value=”data source=dbserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=someDb;MultipleActiveResultSets=true” xdt:Transform=”Replace”/> </parameters>

Visual Studio 2012 Website Publish Not Copying .pdb files

In VS2012 Website publishing, symbols are always excluded by default. Why? It comes down to a design issue where website projects don’t actually have a build configuration. If you look at the configuration manager in VS when your solution is in Release mode, the website project will always be in Debug mode; there are no … Read more