How to change diff color Visual Studio Code

Updating background color Since you need to update background only. The only issue in your config earlier was there was no alpha channel specified. You can update it like below “workbench.colorCustomizations”: { “diffEditor.removedTextBackground”: “#FF000055”, “diffEditor.insertedTextBackground”: “#ffff0055” } Where 55 is the alpha channel value. The updated values will have below effect Why it’s not possible … Read more

Why there are no themes for swagger-ui? [closed]

A late answer, albeit a good one. This is pretty awesome! A slick implementation, and he has customized many things that are easy to tweak yet again for your needs: Credits go to this google group:!topic/swagger-swaggersocket/oeMyayrvKRI. Strange that this has not been posted here yet. For an action demo, please check out this … Read more

How to edit default dark theme for Visual Studio Code?

In VS code ‘User Settings’, you can edit visible colours using the following tags (this is a sample and there are much more tags): “workbench.colorCustomizations”: { “list.inactiveSelectionBackground”: “#C5DEF0”, “sideBar.background”: “#F8F6F6”, “sideBar.foreground”: “#000000”, “editor.background”: “#FFFFFF”, “editor.foreground”: “#000000”, “sideBarSectionHeader.background”: “#CAC9C9”, “sideBarSectionHeader.foreground”: “#000000”, “activityBar.border”: “#FFFFFF”, “statusBar.background”: “#102F97”, “scrollbarSlider.activeBackground”: “#77D4CB”, “scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground”: “#8CE6DA”, “badge.background”: “#81CA91” } If you want to … Read more

MySQL Workbench Dark Theme

Here’s how to change MySQL Workbench’s colors (INCLUDING THE BACKGROUND COLOR). Open the XML file called code_editor.xml located in the data folder of the MySQL Workbench’s installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE\data). Here you’ll find a lot of styling for different code elements, but there are some missing. MySQL Workbench uses scintilla as … Read more