What is the difference between [ ] and ( ) brackets in Racket (lisp programming language)?

According to the Racket documentation, there is no difference — there is only a convention to use [ and ] for cond clauses (and use your judgement for the rest, as far as I understand): The use of square brackets for cond clauses is a convention. In Racket, parentheses and square brackets are actually interchangeable, … Read more

Can I set svelte style css attribute values using variables passed in to a component

No. Component styles are shared between all instances of a component, either because they’re statically extracted to a .css file, or because they’re injected into a single <style> element that all components reference. If it were possible to put variables directly inside the component’s <style>, it would mean that Svelte would need to create encapsulated … Read more

What is the ..= (dot dot equals) operator in Rust?

This is the inclusive range operator. The range x..=y contains all values >= x and <= y, i.e. “from x up to and including y”. This is in contrast to the non-inclusive range operator x..y, which doesn’t include y itself. fn main() { println!(“{:?}”, (10..20) .collect::<Vec<_>>()); println!(“{:?}”, (10..=20).collect::<Vec<_>>()); } // Output: // // [10, 11, … Read more

What does :: mean in Rust?

Please review Appendix B: Operators and Symbols of The Rust Programming Language. In this case, the double colon (::) is the path separator. Paths are comprised of crates, modules, and items. The full path for your example item, updated for 1.0 is: std::usize::BITS Here, std is the crate, usize is a module, and BITS is … Read more
