Dart: How do you make a Future wait for a Stream?

You can use the Stream method firstWhere to create a future that resolves when your Stream emits a true value. Future<bool> whenTrue(Stream<bool> source) { return source.firstWhere((bool item) => item); } An alternative implementation without the stream method could use the await for syntax on the Stream. Future<bool> whenTrue(Stream<bool> source) async { await for (bool value … Read more

Difference between await for and listen in Dart

Given: Stream<String> stream = new Stream<String>.fromIterable([‘mene’, ‘mene’, ‘tekel’, ‘parsin’]); then: print(‘BEFORE’); stream.listen((s) { print(s); }); print(‘AFTER’); yields: BEFORE AFTER mene mene tekel parsin whereas: print(‘BEFORE’); await for(String s in stream) { print(s); } print(‘AFTER’); yields: BEFORE mene mene tekel parsin AFTER stream.listen() sets up code that will be put on the event queue when an … Read more

Flutter : stream two Streams into a single screen?

You can nest StreamBuilder if needed. Nothing prevents you from doing the following: StreamBuilder( stream: stream1, builder: (context, snapshot1) { return StreamBuilder( stream: stream2, builder: (context, snapshot2) { // do some stuff with both streams here }, ); }, ) Another solution if this makes sense for you is: Streams are designed to be mergeable/transformed. … Read more

How to reset a BehaviorSubject

I assume you want to clear the BehaviorSubject (because otherwise don’t call onComplete on it). That is not supported but you can achieve a similar effect by having a current value that is ignored by consumers: public static final Object EMPTY = new Object(); BehaviorSubject<Object> subject = BehaviorSubject.createDefault(EMPTY); Observable<YourType> obs = subject.filter(v -> v != … Read more

What is the difference between Sink and Stream in Flutter?

Sink and Stream both are parts of the StreamController. You add a data to the StreamController using Sink which can be listened via the Stream. Example: final _user = StreamController<User>(); Sink get updateUser => _user.sink; Stream<User> get user => _user.stream; Usage: updateUser.add(yourUserObject); // This will add data to the stream. Whenever a data is added … Read more

Difference between stream processing and message processing

In traditional message processing, you apply simple computations on the messages — in most cases individually per message. In stream processing, you apply complex operations on multiple input streams and multiple records (ie, messages) at the same time (like aggregations and joins). Furthermore, traditional messaging systems cannot go “back in time” — ie, they automatically … Read more