On heroku, is there absolutely no way to redirect an https naked domain on heroku to it’s non naked domain with wwws?

The best idea we have found so far is to setup two Amazon EC2 micro machine instances with a small bit of nginx configuration. Then, provision two elastic IP addresses to point to those EC2 instances and point 2 A records to those IP addresses. This way, if something goes wrong on the hardware, you … Read more

show entire certificate chain for a local certificate file

For local certificates you can see the subject and direct issuer using: openssl x509 -noout -subject -issuer -in test.crt subject= /C=US/ST=Utah/L=SLC/O=My Organization/CN=my.server.com issuer= /C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Organization Validation CA – SHA256 – G2 But that doesn’t indicate if the certificate includes any intermediate certificates or the full chain of trust. The verify command you listed will … Read more

Unable to load certificates when trying to generate pfx file

I get the error: unable to load certificates myserver.crt needs to be in PEM format. Does it have —– BEGIN CERTIFICATE —– and —– END CERTIFICATE —–? myserver.crt should actually be a chain of certificates (and not just the one server certificate). The chain should include all intermediate certificates needed by the client to verify … Read more

Import certificate as PrivateKeyEntry

You try to add certificate and expect that it will be private key – its confusion between two different things. Generally, when you create keystore (.jks) it include the private key inside. If its empty (deleted) you should generate bundle (.p12 file) from your key and certificates. In order to create new free key and … Read more

Using SSL Across Entire Site [closed]

It is highly recommended these days to run the entire site on TLS (https that is) if possible. The overhead concern is a thing of the past, it is no longer an issue with the newer TLS protocols, because it is now maintaining sessions, and even caching them for reuse if the client drops the … Read more

Configure SSL on Jetty

I had a lot of problems making it work but I finally foud out how to make it happend. I’m using ubuntu 10.04 with java 7. It may be possible to do it under windows but all the comands lines are bash commands, maybe possible to do the same with cigwin/mingw I used Jetty 8.1.8. … Read more
