Are there any constantly updating RSS feed services to use for testing, or just very active RSS feeds?

I really needed this service, so I set one up at The documentation is at that link, as well as in the GitHub repository below. You can tweak it using GET parameters to update every N seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years. But I haven’t yet tested it comprehensively so I’m not sure … Read more

Non-Singleton Services in AngularJS

I’m not entirely sure what use case you are trying to satisfy. But it is possible to have a factory return instances of an object. You should be able to modify this to suit your needs. var ExampleApplication = angular.module(‘ExampleApplication’, []); ExampleApplication.factory(‘InstancedService’, function(){ function Instance(name, type){ = name; this.type = type; } return { … Read more

Difference between targetPort and port in Kubernetes Service definition

Service: This directs the traffic to a pod. TargetPort: This is the actual port on which your application is running inside the container. Port: Some times your application inside container serves different services on a different port. Example: The actual application can run 8080 and health checks for this application can run on 8089 port … Read more