Error updating service reference

I’ve had the same issue after updating to VS2013 Update 2. I’ve solved the issue by temporarily cutting the whole system.serviceModel section out of web.config, pasting it somewhere else like Notepad. Then, I’ve saved the web.config without the service model section. Then, I was able to update the service reference successfully. After updating the service … Read more

How do I un-expose (undo expose) service?

Assuming you have a deployment called hello-world, and do a kubectl expose as follows: kubectl expose deployment hello-world –type=ClusterIP –name=my-service this will create a service called my-service, which makes your deployment accessible for debugging, as you described. To display information about the Service: kubectl get services my-service To delete this service when you are done … Read more

Convert Angular HTTP.get function to a service

Think in terms of modules and dependency injection. So, lets say you have these three files <script src=””></script> <script src=”services.js”></script> <script src=”app.js”></script> You would need three modules 1. Main App Module angular.module(‘MyApp’, [‘controllers’, ‘services’]) .config([‘$routeProvider’, function($routeProvider){ $routeProvider .when(‘/bookslist’, { templateUrl: ‘partials/bookslist.html’, controller: “BooksListCtrl” }) .otherwise({redirectTo: ‘/bookslist’}); }]); Notice that the other two modules are injected … Read more

How to run “Oracle VirtualBox (VBOX)” like a service after boot in fully background “Microsoft Windows (WIN)”

How can I run VBOX under WIN like a service with script? The trick is to run the VM without GUI. With this you can easily run VM on WIN server like a service too. Prerequired is that exist some VM, you have some already. Below put its name instead {vm_name}. 1) Create script BAT … Read more

How to set up a systemd service to retry 5 times on a cycle of 30 seconds

To allow a maximum of 5 retries separated by 30 seconds use the following options in the relevant systemd service file. [Unit] StartLimitInterval=200 StartLimitBurst=5 [Service] Restart=always RestartSec=30 This worked for a service that runs a script using Type=idle. Note that StartLimitInterval must be greater than RestartSec * StartLimitBurst otherwise the service will be restarted indefinitely. … Read more