Break out of select loop?

The Go spec says: A “break” statement terminates execution of the innermost “for”, “switch”, or “select” statement within the same function. In your example you’re just breaking out of the select statement. If you replace break with a return statement you will see that it’s working.

Select One Element in Each Row of a Numpy Array by Column Indices [duplicate]

You can choose from given array using numpy.choose which constructs an array from an index array (in your case select_id) and a set of arrays (in your case input_array) to choose from. However you may first need to transpose input_array to match dimensions. The following shows a small example: In [101]: input_array Out[101]: array([[ 3, … Read more

How to use an array as option for react select component

Because it’s just javascript, there are a million ways. The way I usually take is to map the container to generate the guts. A for loop or whatever would also work just fine. const Answer = react.createClass({ render: function() { var Data = [‘this’, ‘example’, ‘isnt’, ‘funny’], MakeItem = function(X) { return <option>{X}</option>; }; return … Read more

odata – combining $expand and $select

After going through a lot of time on this, I finally got the answer. We can nest select within expand using ; as a separator, something like odata/Products(8)?$expand=choices($select=col1,col2;$expand=item($select=name)) This is documented in the OData v4 $expand documentation. The documentation also lists other useful examples such as Categories?$expand=Products($filter=DiscontinuedDate eq null) Categories?$expand=Products/$count($search=blue)

How to select distinct field values using Solr?

Faceting would get you a results set that contains distinct values for a field. E.g. http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=*%3A*&rows=0&facet=on&facet.field=txt You should get something back like this: <response> <responseHeader><status>0</status><QTime>2</QTime></responseHeader> <result numFound=”4″ start=”0″/> <lst name=”facet_counts”> <lst name=”facet_queries”/> <lst name=”facet_fields”> <lst name=”txt”> <int name=”value”>100</int> <int name=”value1″>80</int> <int name=”value2″>5</int> <int name=”value3″>2</int> <int name=”value4″>1</int> </lst> </lst> </lst> </response> Check out the wiki for … Read more

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