Alternate way for optional parameters in v6

[email protected]+ Optional segments/parameters have been re-introduced to the library. The docs have been updated, but v6.5.0 Release Notes include the details as well. The above routes can be merged to a single route: <Route path=”/cart/:id?” element={<CartPage />} /> [email protected] After quite a bit of digging through the source code to understand how path parsing was … Read more

Using Jest to test a Link from react-router v4

You can wrap your component in the test with the StaticRouter to get the router context into your component: import React from ‘react’; import renderer from ‘react-test-renderer’; import { Link } from ‘react-router-dom’; import { StaticRouter } from ‘react-router’ test(‘Link matches snapshot’, () => { const component = renderer.create( <StaticRouter location=”someLocation” context={context}> <Link to=”#” /> … Read more

getting 404 for links with create-react-app deployed to github pages

Problem: URL gets evaluated on server side When you enter a new URL into address bar of the browser or refreshes the page, browser requests server (in this case GitHub pages server) for that URL. At this point, client side router (react-router) can’t take action as it is not yet loaded for that page. Now … Read more

Favicon requested on every route change

I had the same problem and I believe the problem started with the Chrome 49.0.2623.87. I hope it is going to be fixed in the coming updates. For now, I am using the script below, which can be found here. var favIcon = “favicon.ico”; var docHead = document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0]; var newLink = document.createElement(‘link’); newLink.rel=”shortcut icon”; newLink.href=”data:image/png;base64,”+favIcon; … Read more

react router – Redirection after login

Wanted to update this thread because I spent a good amount of time digging around on this. In React Router 2.0.x, replaceState is deprecated in favor of replace. See here for details: The correct way to do this would be something like this: function requireAuth(nextState, replace) { if (!userExists()) { replace({ pathname: ‘/signin’, state: … Read more

is there a way to set a default route with React-Router v6

If I understand your question about a “default” route correctly then I am interpreting this as one of the following: Use an index route: You can wrap a set of routes in a layout route and specify an index route: <Routes> <Route path=”/*”> <Route index element={<ComponentA />} /> <Route path=”pathB” element={<ComponentB />} /> <Route path=”pathC” … Read more

React Router: Cannot read property ‘pathname’ of undefined

I got the above error message and it was extremely cryptic. I tried the other solutions mentioned and it didn’t work. Turns out I accidentally forgot to include the to prop in one of the <Link /> components. Wish the error message was better. A simple required prop “to” not found or something like that … Read more

Refresh previous screen on goBack()

Adding an Api Call in a focus callBack in the screen you’re returning to solves the issue. componentDidMount() { this.props.fetchData(); this.willFocusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener( ‘willFocus’, () => { this.props.fetchData(); } ); } componentWillUnmount() { this.willFocusSubscription.remove(); } UPDATE 2023: willFocus event was renamed to focus componentDidMount() { this.props.fetchData(); this.focusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener( ‘focus’, () => { this.props.fetchData(); } … Read more