Generating Random Numbers in Go

Depending on your use case, another option is the math/rand package. Don’t do this if you’re generating numbers that need to be completely unpredictable. It can be helpful if you need to get results that are reproducible, though — just pass in the same seed you passed in the first time. Here’s the classic “seed … Read more

How does a random number generator work?

There is also this algorithm: Oh, and more seriously: Random number generators use mathematical formulas that transfer set of numbers to another one. If, for example, you take a constant number N and another number n_0, and then take the value of n mod N (the modulo operator), you will get a new number n_1, … Read more

how get random row laravel-5

These works but probably you didn’t use the right namespace, just use the use statement at the top of your class name like this: <?php namespace SomeNamespace; use App\Quotation; // Says “Quotation.php” is in “App” folder (By default in L-5.0) class someClass { //… } Then you may use in your method something like this: … Read more

Choose a random item from a table

Lua indexes tables from 1, unlike C, Java etc. which indexes arrays from 0. That means, that in your table, the valid indexes are: 1, 2, 3, 4. What you are looking for is the following: print( myTable[ math.random( #myTable ) ] ) When called with one argument, math.random(n) returns a random integer from 1 … Read more