Route to static file in Play! 2.0

IIRC, change <link rel=”stylesheet” media=”screen” href=”“stylesheets/main.css”)”> To <link rel=”stylesheet” media=”screen” href=”“stylesheets/”, “main.css”)”> I am talking about your third attempt Also, watch out for extra / EDIT GET /assets/main.css”/public”, file=”/stylesheets/main.css”) Assuming your resource is at /public/stylesheets/main.css

What is Play framework web server

The internal server is Netty. Unless you are forced to deploy a Play application in a servlet container, don’t do it. Play performs better on Netty as it doesn’t need to jump through hoops to support the servlet standard, which shaves off quite a bit of overhead. My preferred way of deploying Play is attached … Read more

Discovery of Akka actors in cluster

I’m working on a private project which is basically a very extended version of the chatroom example and I also had startup problems with akka and the whole “decentralized” thinking. So I can tell you how I “solved” my extended chatroom: I wanted a server which could easily be deployed multiple times without much additional … Read more

What are the major differences between Play Framework 1.0 and 2.0?

Here’s my list, of course, with some duplications breaks backward compatibility (it’s a rewrite from scratch) core programmed in scala vs java (got to learn scala to collaborate) scala for templates (but work is being done on groovy templates as a module, to ease migration), so you have to specify the type of each parameter … Read more

Play framework hangs on startup at: “Loading project definition from”

I just experienced this myself with Play 2 and it turns out it wasn’t truly hanging, it was just pulling a maven and downloading the Internet. To verify this is the same behavior you were experiencing edit project/plugins.sbt and replace: logLevel := Level.Warn with logLevel := Level.Debug (Though I am building on OSX I imagine … Read more

Optimizing JS from WebJars using sbt-rjs in a Play 2.3.x app

I am using Play 2.4.3. Added addSbtPlugin(“com.typesafe.sbt” % “sbt-rjs” % “1.0.7”) to plugins.sbt // rjs = RequireJS, uglifies, shrinks to one file, replaces WebJars with CDN client accepts them pipelineStages := Seq(rjs, digest, gzip) This in my build.sbt does all the shrinking work etc. to bower JS, and webjars.

How do I change the default port (9000) that Play uses when I execute the “run” command?

Play 2.x In Play 2, these are implemented with an sbt plugin, so the following instructions are really just sbt tasks. You can use any sbt runner (e In Play 2, these are implemented with an sbt plugin, so the following are really just sbt tasks. You can use any sbt runner (e.g. sbt, play, … Read more