nuget spec dependencies, get latest version?

As of Nuget 2.8 you can add the following attribute to your nuget.config <configuration> <config> <add key=”dependencyversion” value=”Highest” /> </config> </configuration> When resolving your packages, the latest version of that package will be resolved. Other attributes include HighestMinor, HighestPatch and lowest (based on semantic versioning) Source:

How do you set a relative path for a file-based package source with NuGet?

It looks like this is now supported. Put a file called nuget.config in the root of your solution (next to packages folder and solution file) containing: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <configuration> <packageSources> <add key=”Local” value=”packages-local” /> </packageSources> </configuration> Build you packages to the packages-local folder. The packages in this folder will be available to add … Read more

Error NU5012 – nuget pack unable to find path (/bin/release/MyProject/bin/release)

TL;DR For the new <Project Sdk=”Microsoft.NET.Sdk”> .csproj file format, use dotnet pack to build NuGet packages, even if they target .Net Framework or if the project is multi-targeted. Run this from the directory containing your .csproj (and optionally a .nuspec) dotnet pack MyProject.csproj -c Release Note that by default dotnet pack places the output .nupkg … Read more

Download Nuget Packages Without VS/NuGet Package Manager

How to download NuGet Package without Visual Studio or Nuget Package Manager: Search your desired package at NuGet Official Site. Copy the end of the URL of the package page. For Example: => Package Name is “EntityFramework” Enter the URL:{Package Name} For Example:

NuSpec version attribute vs assembly version

With regards to convention, the NuGet software itself, and the semantics it applies to packages in the gallery, does versioning as described by SemVer. Specifically you can designate beta versions by suffixing your nuspec version number with “-beta.4” or something. For example, see how the gallery displays the latest version of AutoFac, and compare how … Read more

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