–add-modules only on compilation [duplicate]

I made this answer a while ago where I answered this as an additional info to exposing non java.se packages in Java-9 using Maven. The added part specifically focusses on using the standalone version of the java.xml.* APIs. To adapt to which you can probably start consuming the dependency on jaxb-api:2.3.0 which can be loaded … Read more

How to import external libraries in jshell java 9?

I tried with 9 Build 162 Linux 64-bit with preparation: Downloaded guava-19.0.jar and commons-lang3-3.4.jar to /opt/libs The following options are available: Specify CLASSPATH environment variable: $> CLASSPATH=”/opt/libs/commons-lang3-3.4.jar:/opt/libs/guava-19.0.jar” bin/jshell Specify classpath with jshell option: $> bin/jshell –class-path /opt/libs/guava-19.0.jar:/opt/libs/commons-lang3-3.4.jar Configure evaluation context within jshell session with command /env, /reset or /reload(these commands are different, you can check … Read more