How to debug chrome extension service worker for manifest v3?

I guess you are looking for the internal ServiceWorker (backend page) of your extension and their connections. There are two URLs you should be aware of: chrome://inspect/#service-workers chrome://serviceworker-internals/?devtools You might also want to “debug the debugger” e.g. for breakpoints inside your extension page. 1. Registered ServiceWorker list (normal + internal) chrome://inspect/#service-workers 2. ServiceWorker activity (active … Read more

Where are installed Google Chrome extensions stored locally?

Chrome extensions are stored in your filesystem, under the Extensions folder, inside Chrome’s user data directory. Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\<Extension ID> Windows 10/8/7/Vista: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\<Extension ID> macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/<Extension ID> Linux: ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/<Extension ID> Chrome OS: /home/chronos/Extensions/<Extension ID> You can copy the extension folder and drop it on a USB or in … Read more

Check if Chrome extension installed in unpacked mode

If by “installed from my .crx file” you mean installed from Chrome Web Store you can simply check extension manifest.json for value of update_url attribute. CWS adds it when you upload your extension. If you have a self-hosted .crx file, get your extension information using and check installType of returned ExtensionInfo object. If it … Read more

How are Chrome Extension’s weekly users counted? Is it the number of users who have it installed? Or the one’s clicking on popup?

According to Joe Marini (lead Developer relations for Chrome apps/extensions/CWS): The number [of weekly users] you see in the Chrome Web Store is the amount of users whose Chrome browser has checked for an update of your app within the last week. It is not the number of people who have installed your item.

Add CSS to pages through a CSS file

Your manifest file must contain a content script pointing to a CSS file, that will load when a url matches your selected url fields… “content_scripts”: [ { “css”: [ “scrollbars.css” ], “matches”: [ “*” ] } ], This is the same method you would use to inject javascript code, except you would point to a … Read more

On page load event in Chrome extensions

Register a content script in the manifest file at “run_at”: “document_idle” (which is the default) and put your code in the content script file. Then the script will be run when the page is ready. If you want to detect from the background page whether a page is completely loaded, use the chrome.webNavigation.onCompleted event and … Read more