How do I handle an unspecified number of parameters in Scheme?

In Scheme you can use the dot notation for declaring a procedure that receives a variable number of arguments (also known as varargs or variadic function): (define (procedure . args) …) Inside procedure, args will be a list with the zero or more arguments passed; call it like this: (procedure “a” “b” “c”) As pointed … Read more

Unable to create a local function because “can’t capture dynamic environment in a fn item”

Functions in Rust don’t capture variables from the surrounding environment, period. A “local” function in Rust is really just a global function that isn’t globally visible; it can’t do anything more than any other global function. Instead, Rust has closures which are distinct from functions in that they do capture variables from their environment. That … Read more

Haskell infix function application precedence

The Haskell 98 Report has a section on Operator Applications that clears it up: An operator is either an operator symbol, such as + or $$, or is an ordinary identifier enclosed in grave accents (backquotes), such as `op`. For example, instead of writing the prefix application op x y, one can write the infix … Read more

Passing elements of a List as parameters to a function with variable arguments

Take a look at this example, I will define a function printme that takes vargs of type String def printme(s: String*) = s.foreach(println) scala> printme(List(“a”,”b”,”c”)) <console>:9: error: type mismatch; found : List[String] required: String printme(List(a,b,c)) What you really need to un-pack the list into arguments with the :_* operator scala> val mylist = List(“1″,”2″,”3”) scala> … Read more

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