How to loop through array in batch?

Another Alternative using defined and a loop that doesn’t require delayed expansion: set Arr[0]=apple set Arr[1]=banana set Arr[2]=cherry set Arr[3]=donut set “x=0” :SymLoop if defined Arr[%x%] ( call echo %%Arr[%x%]%% set /a “x+=1″ GOTO :SymLoop ) Be sure you use “call echo” as echo won’t work unless you have delayedexpansion and use ! instead of … Read more

How to check the uniqueness inside a for-loop?

Your approach would take linear time for each insertion. A better way would be to use a map[int]struct{}. Alternatively, you could also use a map[int]bool or something similar, but the empty struct{} has the advantage that it doesn’t occupy any additional space. Therefore map[int]struct{} is a popular choice for a set of integers. Example: set … Read more

What is the difference of pairs() vs. ipairs() in Lua?

pairs() and ipairs() are slightly different. pairs() returns key-value pairs and is mostly used for associative tables. key order is unspecified. ipairs() returns index-value pairs and is mostly used for numeric tables. Non numeric keys in an array are ignored, while the index order is deterministic (in numeric order). This is illustrated by the following … Read more
