Obscure / encrypt an order number as another number: symmetrical, “random” appearance?

Pick a 8 or 9 digit number at random, say 839712541. Then, take your order number’s binary representation (for this example, I’m not using 2’s complement), pad it out to the same number of bits (30), reverse it, and xor the flipped order number and the magic number. For example: 1 = 000000000000000000000000000001 Flip = … Read more

What is the difference between Obfuscation, Hashing, and Encryption?

Hashing is a technique of creating semi-unique keys based on larger pieces of data. In a given hash you will eventually have “collisions” (e.g. two different pieces of data calculating to the same hash value) and when you do, you typically create a larger hash key size. obfuscation generally involves trying to remove helpful clues … Read more

Code Golf: XOR Encryption

Repent, 13 7 chars (No file support), 14 char (With file support) Repent is an esoteric stack-based toy language of my own, with inspiration from J, APL, Golfscript and Python. Here is a short solution. I will explain it, but is very late and this is doing my head in, so I’ll explain it and … Read more

Does IV work like salt

AES itself does not directly use a salt (or indeed, an IV). A situation when you might use a salt in combination with AES is when you are using Password Based Encryption (PBE). In this scheme, a human-memorizable password is used, in combination with a salt, to generate an AES key. A salt is used … Read more