How to make the debugging in playframework in IntelliJ Idea

Most convenient way to run/debug applications in intellij IDEA is the following. Menu command: Run -> Edit Configuration! Add new configuration -> Application Then fill up the fields: Main class: play.server.Server VM Parameters: -Dapplication.path=. You should have something similar: If you did it correctly, then you can run and stop your app right from IDE … Read more

Why do I get “identifier is undefined” or “not available” when inspecting a Rust variable in the VSCode debugger?

This issue is not reproducible with recent release of CodeLLDB. CodeLLDB v1.7.0 rust : 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04) vscode: v1.67.0 Everything works as expected the debug view shows iter: {end:0x000055555559105f} c: ‘t’ Upgrading the codelldb to specified version will resolve the issue.

Software patching at a billion miles

I’ve been a developer on public telephone switching system software, which has pretty severe constraints on reliability, availability, survivability, and performance that approach what spacecraft systems need. I haven’t worked on spacecraft (although I did work with many former shuttle programmers while at IBM), and I’m not familiar with VXworks, the operating system used on … Read more

How to debug Erlang code?

Debugging Erlang code can be tricky at times, especially dealing with badmatch errors. In general, two good guidelines to keep are: Keep functions short Use return values directly if you can, instead of binding temporary variables (this will give you the benefit of getting function_clause errors etc which are way more informative) That being said, … Read more
